Monday, February 22, 2010
Muhammad's life by Catia
Muhammad probably the second most important figure in Islam after Allah was born in 570 BC in Mecca Arabia. He was poor as a kid and also as he grew up. However when he grew up he met a woman who was a a rich widow woman. He married her, Khadija and had many kids a with her. Fro this point on is when he started having visions of the Angel Gabriel and he dictated him the Quran. Although Muhammad didn't know how to write he managed to write it all down. The Angel Gabriel would talk to him and he would remember the things he told him, after that he would tell them to someone who would write it down. He evolves as a prophet slowly, since at first he would only tell his close friends about his visions and the messages he was revealed. After a short time Muhammad and other followers of him traveled to Medina. There they faced problems but finally attacked Meccans and won a battle. This way they were left alone and were not bothered by them. By 630 Islam was starting to become stronger. At the end of his life Muhammad had not only become on of the main characters in the religion that he instituted but he had become a powerful man politically. Muhammad died in June 8, 632.