Monday, November 23, 2009


hey mr. Mac! what happened???? why didnt u come today? we hope you can feel better!! we miss u!!!we all send you a big fat humongous hug!!!!We all hope to see you tomorrow!!HAve a nice day!!

Att:Antonio, Melvin,Ale,Luisa and Elisa 

MrMac:Blog Assignment

As a group: Write a 20 question test that covers the most important elements of confusionism.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Life of Confucius

 Confucius, also known as Kong Fu-zi was born in the state of Lu in 551 BC and died in 479.It was a time when China was being sliced into feudal states by the warlord “princes” who raised armies, waged battles, oppressed slave laborers, and heavily taxed subjects. Ch’iu was a self-educated youth, raised by a poor family in the state of Lu. In his teenage years, he had an administrative position with the local noble, managing his agricultural accounts. It was here that Ch’iu started developing a passion for ethical philosophy. As an adult, Ch’iu left his homeland and began wandering from state to state in China. His ambition was to share his philosophy with the ruling princes, believing that these powerful leaders had an obligation to lead their people with virtue. Rather than leading for power, control, money, or ego, the princes of China must understand their higher purpose, which was to do “right” and lead by selfless example. He ultimately returned to his home state and started an informal school where he taught his principles to a growing number of followers. He taught in areas of ethics, leadership, history, psychology, and the arts. His strategy was to train-up young men in virtuous education and then watch them take positions in government throughout China, where they could have a true impact on transforming the land.  By the time he died in 478 BC, K’ung Fu-tzu was considered, alongside Buddha, as one of the two greatest ethical minds in the East. 

Monday, November 9, 2009

The History of Taoism

The history of Taoism stretches throughout Chinese history. Originating in prehistoric China, it has exerted a powerful influence over Chinese culture throughout the ages. Taoism evolved in response to changing times, its doctrine and associated practices revised and refined. The acceptance of Taoism by the ruling class has waxed and waned, alternately enjoying periods of favor and rejection. But it was always the backbone of most of Chinese society. Most recently, Taoism has emerged from a period of suppression and is undergoing a revival in China.

Taoism and its believes

Taoism, also known as Daoism,  is not entirely different from Confucianism or Chinese folk religion. Since all Chinese religions are very similar in practice and philosophy, most operate with the same ancient worldview. Taoism believes that  Since early times the people have been an awareness of man's close relationship with nature and the universe, a cyclical view of time and the universe, veneration or worship of ancestors, the idea of Heaven, and belief in the divinity of the sovereign.  Taoism focuses on the individual spiritual life. 

Monday, November 2, 2009

Buddhism and The Buddha

The Buddha was once a man named Siddhartha Gautama he lived during the 5th century. he belonged to a wealthy  family. He would never come out of his house one day he finally did and saw four sights that made him change his mind. He saw a sick person, a dead man, a beggar, and a bent old man. This made him change his perspective of life an he decided to leave everything behind and live in total poverty. But then he decided that that did not take you any closer to finding the truth, he reached an answer and decided that the answer was the balance. And in balance was how he tried to life the rest of his life.   


the eight fold path is the way to go. the eight fold path shows you the way to live a life with no regrets nor fights with anybody.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Buddhism and the matrix

As odd as it may sound buddhism is related to the futuristic movie "the matrix", because of the believe that someday we will be enlightened by knowledge. WHat we know as reality might not be what really exists. in fact some of the dialog used in the movie was directly taken from the scriptures of buddhism. In the movie neo is the main character, rearranged his name spells one, which can mean that he is the one that will be enlightened and he will save mankind.

Similar lines:
NEO: What is the Matrix?
TRINITY: the answer is out there. It is looking for you. And it will find you if you want it to. 

Buddhism Scripture: 
The truth is always there-and all it takes is for us to embrace and see it.    

Mr.Mac: Buddhism & "Matrix

Research on line and explain why the movie "The Matrix" is considered a movie about Budhism?  Give examples.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Western religions in that it does not have a single founder, a specific theological system, a single system of morality, or a central religious organization. It consists of "thousands of different religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 BCE.

Hinduism has grown to become the world's third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam. It claims about 837 million followers - 13% of the world's population. It is the dominant religion in India, Nepal, and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka.

They recognize a single deity, and view other Gods and Goddesses as manifestations or aspects of that supreme God. Henotheistic and polytheistic religions have traditionally been among the world's most religiously tolerant faiths. believe in reincarnation, value the practice of meditation, and observe festive holidays like Diwali and Holi.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Class response

Sanatana Dharma is the ancient religion of the Hindus. Vedas is their ancient sacred book. Kharma is one of their ancient beliefs that if you do something bad in life you will have to pay for it. Their main goal is a clean escape from the karma-run wheel of birth, death or rebirth.

MrMac: Hinduism Assignments

Discuss the following terms:
-Sanatana Dharma
-Vedic Age
-The four parts of the vedas (use English descriptions not Hindu words)
-discuss reincarnation in Hindu thought
-What is the ultimate goal of Hindu (for example the ultimate goal of a Jew, Christian, or Moslem is Heaven).

Monday, September 7, 2009

antonio's Answer

2. How should global religions relate to indigenous sacred ways?

I think that everyone should worry about their own religion. if one new religion sect does not prosper, i think they should not worry about it too much. some religions have lasted thousand of years and some have prospered and others have not.  if a religion is about to end, or fail, i think you should move on, and join another religion if you feel you should do it.

Wale, Luisa, and Elisa......September 7, 2009

Should and can indigenous sacred ways be reconciled with modern industrial/commercial pressures? if not, why?if so so what should be required on each side?

There are two ways we could take this. The good reason and the bad reason to changing. The good reason is that these people would stop living in poverty. These would help issues such as malnutrition, and sicknesses, and better literacy rate. These people will quality of life. 

The bad thing is that religion, and tradition will change a lot. diversity is something that is good to have. and without diversity it becomes boring, and no one would be able to discuss different thing. 
We believe that indigenous people should learn to live in the new world and continue their tradition. this way anything will be possible and nothing needs to be drastically changed.

Monday, August 31, 2009

aug. 31 09

Luisa Gamez:
Question:: How are the changing social impacts of gender, education, and technologies affecting religion today? do you think these trends are all good? why? 
These social impacts of gender, education, and technologies affect religion today because they change tradition a lot. They change it, because people have now changed a lot of how they were before. education affects religion because what we get taught that is as much as we know. So if we don's study religion, we won't know about it.  Gender affects because women are not all ways involved. 

Elisa Weissenberg

How are the changing social impacts of gender,education,and technologies affecting religion today?Do you think these trends are all good?Why?

Because people tend to improve just as technology improves. people tend to become dependent on technology. when this happens it affects religion too. people tend to rely on technology for religion. this is not good because then things change because of tecnology. things such as religion. 

Religion And Social Changing impacts

There are a lot of things affecting religion today, that happens because no-a-days there is more freedom of speech. People have more liberties that help than they did like 50 years ago and this is mainly why people feel free to make their own religions with their own believes. In Spanish there is a saying that translated to English says that each mind is a world and I think that is true. Each person has a way of thinking and now with all the options available to us I think that it is easier to have a different set of believes. And I think it is okay if people want to believe something different than the other people. Now gender is not an obstacle, and education is available for everyone so it is not something new that people have different religions.        

MrMac:Discussion Question for Chapter 1

On page 31 of our text are two discussion questions.  As a class, choose and answer of one of the two questions.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The 3 different views of religion by 12th grade

There are three perspective of religion: The materialistic perspective, the functional perspective, and the belief perspective. 

The Materialistic Perspectives: is based around the idea that humans invented religion. Basically people made up religion and everything that comes with it. So humans invented their own God and they justify many thing with religion. 
The Functional Perspective: this believe is based on the fact that religion is useful for everyone. This theory is based on sociology. One of the ideas behind this perspective says that all trough life there has been leaders that use religion to bring people together. 
The Belief Perspectives: This like the name says it it is based on believe. here faith plays a pretty big role. Enlightenment, realization, gnosis,awakening are some of the ideas, that are involved with this perspective.         


Our text says that there are three basic ways to explain why there are religions.    What are they and explain a little about each one.