Monday, March 8, 2010

radicals by Catia

There are radicals in every religion. Christians have radicals, Muslims have and all religions have radicals. However there a re radicals in every religion that are violent or that use violence to get their message across. People probably use this methods to oppress people and to cause fear among the population. Radicals do not only use violence to control people but to counterattack anyone who opposes them. The catholic inquisition was an era of much violence from religious radicals who did not want anyone to contradict what they said or to rise against them. The religious people used violence to cause fear to the people and set an example of what would happen if you went against them, they did this because they knew they were wrong but did not want to accept that fact. The violence was used since violence is a good method of oppression. This is why radicals use violence since they have no other way of controlling people and they want to control them. Radicals are people that are closed minded and not a good image of their religion. In most religions radicals give a bad image to their religion to others and sometimes later may even get convicted by their religion as a bad example. Even though radicals use violent methods in their campaigns they also aid themselves by religion but what they are actually fighting for are more of personal beliefs than for the beliefs of the religion they are part of.

Religion and Violence

I think it is really sad to see how some people see use religion as excuse to hurt people especially
to hurt women. Sometimes physical abuse is not the only way women are abused they are told that they are objects and that is a form of abuse also. They get to women's mind so much that women actually think that it is acceptable for them to be treated in such a bad way. For example in Islam it is okay for a man to kill a woman if they dare to not obey one of her parents command. Most muslim girls have trouble with her parents because they do not share the conservative views of her parents like having a certain dress code. I think that religion should not be about dying if you do not do what you are told, religion should be about God's great willingness to forgive us.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Five pillars of Islam

The Five pillars of Islam are Belief and Witness, Daily Prayer, Zakat, Fasting, and Hajj. Islam is based on these believes. Each one has a very specific meaning and muslims practice each of them in different amounts. To be a good muslim you have to be able to practice each one of the pillars.

Monday, March 1, 2010


The various approaches that can be taken to call people to Allah are indispensable for Islamic work. As any rational person is aware, a goal cannot be reached without there first being a way to reach it. The Prophet (peace be upon him) used the various means that were available to him in his day. He declared the truth from the summit of Mount Safâ. He presented his message in the markets and the meeting places of the tribes and the places where the rites of pilgrimage were carried out. In this way, his message got maximum possible exposure to the various Arab tribes.

An Islamic worker needs to know precisely what he is calling towards. Equally, he needs to know precisely the means he is going to use to carry out this task. A message cannot be conveyed without a means of conveyance. Therefore, anyone person who wishes to call someone else to an idea needs the following:
1. A purpose.

2. A means to achieve that purpose.
The purpose of Islamic work is to call people to Allah, either to believe in Him or to obey Him. The Islamic worker is required to adhere to the dictates of Islamic Law in undertaking this task. He needs, therefore, to be cognizant of the fact that matters of Islamic Law can be broken down into two broad categories:

(1) Acts of worship. These are the means by which our welfare in the Hereafter is achieved. These ways are dictated to us by the sacred texts in their essentials and in all their details. Allah says: “Or do they have partners who established for them in their religion what Allah has not permitted?” [Sûrah al-Shûrâ: 21]

(2) Transactions and customs. These are the means by which human welfare is achieved in this world. They include all interpersonal relationships, contracts, commercial activities, and the like. The basic ruling that should be assumed for such matters is that of permissibility unless there is specific evidence to the contrary. The proof for this is that Allah says: “Say (O Muhammad): Have you considered the provision that Allah has sent down to you and that you have declared of it what is unlawful and lawful? Say (O Muhammad): Has Allah permitted you to do so or are you fabricating a lie against Allah?” [Sûrah Yûnus: 59]

On the basis of these principles, anyone who wishes to assert that something is an act of worship is required to produce evidence from the Qur’ân and Sunnah to show that it is. It is not necessary, however, for him to produce evidence demonstrating that a certain worldly transaction or activity is sanctioned. By contrast, he must produce evidence only if he claims that an activity is unlawful.

islam today by catia

Islam's now in days are persecuted for their beliefs as they persecute others that are non-believers. However the majority of Islam's are normal and not radicals. Mostly women are still accustomed to cover up. Men can hame as many women as they can maintain but most of the men accustom to have one wife and a family with her. Praying is a big part of muslim life, muslims have to pray 5 times a day and most muslims do this every day. they also read the Quran avidly and respect the teachings of Mohammed and other important prophets."Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers." This quote is taken from Mohammed's last sermon, so the word says women should be treated right meaning all oppression islam women receive is more cultural than because of religion.


The religion and philosophy of Islam, is based upon the belief that God (Allah) transmitted knowledge to Muhammad (c. 570–632) and other prophets (Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus). The followers of Islamic religion, muslims, believe that this revelation to humanity was written down in the Quran, which is the flawless word of God.
The theology of the Islamic scriptures informs most aspects of muslim life and culture. The Five Pillars of Islam is expressed in the Quran (Koran), which is a practical doctrine that encourages Muslims to pray 5 times a day, fast during Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca, declare 'There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet' and pay money to the poor.With such a strong foundation in revelation and proph
ets of God, Islamic philosophy benefited in the eighth century a.d. by the translations of ancient Greek philosophy into Arabic. In the ninth century a.d. a school of translators and intellectuals, known as 'The House of Wisdom' was founded in Baghdad. It was here and largely through the translations of these scholars, that the writings of PlatoAristotle and the Neoplatonists became known to the Arabs, and subsequently to the western world which led to the Renaissance. The influence of the ancient Greek philosophers upon the arabic philosophers / thinkers stimulated them to study and interpret the Quran / Koran from a rational foundation.

I think the history of Islamic religion is really interesting (even though I am not Muslim).

Luisa G. Islam today:

The Trouble with Islam Today has been translated into more than 30 languages. Manji has made multiple translations of the book (namely Arabic, Urdu, Malay and Persian) available for free download on her website, with the intention of reaching readers in those countries where her book is banned.

Muslim Weddings:

Muslim weddings vary enormously according to the culture of the people involved.

Many people in the UK, for example, confuse the celebrations at a Pakistani or Bangladeshi wedding with an Islamic wedding, and assume they are the same thing. This is not so, of course, for many of the Muslims who marry are from widely different cultures - for example European, Turkish, African, Malaysian, and so on.

Secondly, it is important to realise that the 'wedding' means different things too. For many Muslims, it is the Islamic ceremony that counts as the actual wedding, and not the confirmation of that wedding in a registry office.

Oddly enough, although mosques are obviously places of worship, the majority of them in the UK have not yet been officially registered as such, and so any Islamic wedding that merely takes place at a mosque has to be registered legally with the UK law as well, in order to be seen as valid in the UK.

Having said that, of course it is a fact that many couples live together these days as 'partners', and 'common law wives' have recently been accorded various legal rights they were not entitled to previously.

Islam now-a-days by Ale

Muslims today believe in polygamy the only reason why it is not widely practiced is because of the laws of the places where they live in. For example Muslims can't practice polygamy in the United States because it is illegal. Through the history of Islam the discrimination against women has been evident, even though muslims are trying to change it still in some families women are seen as objects that husbands can manipulate how ever they want to.